United Healthcare Questions and Answers
I've been having a problem with Food Lion accepting my UCard and have been told other customers have had the same experience. To United: When can I expect the problem to be fixed so that Food Lion will accept my rewards?
How do i switch back to my previous plan?I'm now paying copays and co-insurance fees that I cannot afford and my network status is now out of network. I do not accept this change. I want to switch back to my previous plan.
How can I get a copy of my heath plan.
I need a copy of my heath plan so my attorney can see what service is available under my plan and much is covered
My son United Healthcare insurance had expired.. Do i Need his SSC renew his insurance..it expired since 2019..My cousin has his card i dont have the old number on his expire card
What is address in Pittsburgh PA to send a premium payment?Lost coupon book
Do I get meals with my plan.
I'm quarantine at home do I get meals on my plan
Lie about coverage.
Why do you have your people lie and tell subscribers that vaccinations are covered at 100% only to not pay my claim when I submitted it for reimbursement? I have had nothing but trouble with UHC every time my husbands company has them as an insurance carrier, it’s a DOG & PONY SHOW to get results.
Your company you should take some lessons from BCBS they know how to treat people and pay claims. Hope your fat cat CEOs are happy with the millions they are rolling around in while we can’t get the healthcare we deserve paid for!
Silver Sneakers program.
How much will my membership cost for the YMCA since Silver Sneakers is stopped, and will my insurance go down?
When you sign up for health insurance, your health plan will send a member identification (ID) card to you and your covered family members. Your member ID card (or health plan ID card) is proof that you have health insurance. Health care providers use the information from your member ID card to confirm they are part of your plan’s network and to bill your health plan for your care.